Study abroad
MBC students are given the opportunity to spend part of their curriculum abroad, at a University within the European Union (EU), in the context of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. Students can attend courses and sit exams that can be included in the core curriculum and/or perform their practical thesis in several European Universities localized in North Europe, France, Germany, Ireland and Iberian Peninsula (see Most of the Northern European Universities offer courses taught in English.
The Erasmus+ call is released each year, usually in February. More information can be found at….
Accepted students must present a study plan that reports all the activities he/she intends to perform abroad, detailing the corresponding CFUs; the number of proposed CFUs should approximately correspond to those the student would have achieved over the same time period in his/her university. The proposed Erasmus+ program study plan, must be coherent with the MBC course content and must be evaluated and approved by the Academic Board. If necessary, the Academic Board may request the student to integrate the program of exams taken abroad. In accordance with the rules established by the Academic Senate, following completion of the Erasmus+ program, approved exams will be registered, possibly with the original denomination, as part of the student's curriculum, upon the conversion of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) into CFUs.
If the student performs the experimental thesis work abroad, he/she must follow the rules outlined above (see Internship criteria and Rules for the thesis and final exam).
The Erasmus and international mobility advisors for Biological area are prof. M. Cristina Bonza ( and prof. David Horner (
The Erasmus+ call is released each year, usually in February. More information can be found at….
Accepted students must present a study plan that reports all the activities he/she intends to perform abroad, detailing the corresponding CFUs; the number of proposed CFUs should approximately correspond to those the student would have achieved over the same time period in his/her university. The proposed Erasmus+ program study plan, must be coherent with the MBC course content and must be evaluated and approved by the Academic Board. If necessary, the Academic Board may request the student to integrate the program of exams taken abroad. In accordance with the rules established by the Academic Senate, following completion of the Erasmus+ program, approved exams will be registered, possibly with the original denomination, as part of the student's curriculum, upon the conversion of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) into CFUs.
If the student performs the experimental thesis work abroad, he/she must follow the rules outlined above (see Internship criteria and Rules for the thesis and final exam).
The Erasmus and international mobility advisors for Biological area are prof. M. Cristina Bonza ( and prof. David Horner (
Erasmus and international mobility tutor
Extra Erasmus/Extra-EU
International Mobility and Promotion Office
Information and appointments
Contact Center – InformaStudenti
Erasmus+ at Science and Technology
Information on contacts, informative meetings, selection interviews and rankings for each Faculty or School.
Go abroad with Erasmus+
See competition announcement, deadlines and all the information for Erasmus+ application on the University website: Erasmus contribution, prior to departure, during the stay, returning to Italy
Other opportunities
See all the opportunities for stays abroad