Study plan submission
The study plan should be coherent with the all proposed MBC courses and in line with the experimental thesis topic. The study plan must be submitted online in the 1st Year within the deadline set by the Student Administrative Office. Approval of the study plan by the Academic Board (Collegio Didattico Dipartimentale, CDD) is mandatory.
To favor the correct planning of educational activities, students are encouraged to discuss their study plan with the tutors during the first year and/or contact the Student Information Office, at the DBS (ground floor, C Building).
Study plans including courses that differ from those suggested in the "Manifesto degli Studi" must receive prior positive evaluation by the Study Plan Committee (Commissione piani di Studio) and must be approved by the Academic Board.
Only courses that account for the requested CFU are acceptable. Students taking elective courses not offered by MBC Master are requested to submit a study plan by email to the Study Plan Advisor ( for approval by the end of January of the first year.
Admission to graduation depends on correlation between the list of passed exams and the last approved official study plan. In the event of discrepancies between the student’s educational career and the relevant study plan, the student cannot be admitted to graduation.
You will have to submit your study plan at least once in your university career.
In Which Year
Each study programme description ('Manifesto') specifies in which year you are required to submit your study plan: view the Study Plan section on the Unimia page to find out all the details.
How and When
The study plan may be submitted once a year.
The deadlines, submission guide and templates are posted to Unimia, in the Study Plan section.
Once it is completed and approved, you can still change it by submitting a new one the following year. If the new plan is approved, it supersedes the previous one. The plan must be submitted online on the Unimia page. If, for some reason, it is not possible to submit it through Unimia (e.g. for old degree programmes, or for particular study plans), you may submit a paper copy as an alternative. Please contact the registrar through the Informastudenti service.